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wedding invitation, Hypley

Congratulations! You are now engaged.

You must be very excited to let your friends and relatives know, and have them at your wedding. But if you are a little bit confused about how to address wedding invitations, we are here to help you out.

Most couples get tricked when it comes to the outer and inner envelopes. Generally, the outer envelopes are addressed formally, and the inner ones are addressed informally. To ease things up for you, here is a helpful guide.

Read further to know the proper etiquettes to address the inner and outer envelopes.

Wedding invitation for a married couple

wedding invitation, Hypley

Traditionally, the husband’s name comes first, followed by the wife’s name. In case the married couple has the same last name, it is better to address them with their title. Address both of them, even if you know that only one will attend the party.

  • Formal: Mr. and Mrs. Peter Johnson, or Mr. Peter Johnson and Mrs. Jessica Johnson
  • Informal: Peter and Jessica Johnson, or Peter and Jessica

Wedding invitation for an unmarried couple living together

wedding invitation, Hypley

In this situation as well, the husband’s name will come first followed by the wife’s name. Try to put both the names in one line. The format will also be the same for the couple, in case the woman has kept her maiden name.

  • Formal: Mr. Peter Johnson and Ms. Jessica Sullivan
  • Informal: Peter Johnson and Jessica Sullivan

Wedding invitation for a single guest

wedding invitation, Hypley

This situation is self-explanatory. In the case of a single female with an age of 18 years or above, it is better to write “Ms.” instead of “Miss”.

  • Formal: Mr. Peter Johnson (OR) Ms. Jessica Sullivan
  • Informal: Peter Johnson (OR) Jessica Sullivan

Wedding invitation for a single guest with a ‘plus one’

wedding invitation, Hypley

Make sure you remember the name of the relatives or friends and mention that on the card if you want to invite them. Including or excluding their name makes it easy for guests to know whether they are welcomed at the party or not.

  • Formal: Mr. Peter Johnson and Guest
  • Informal: Peter Johnson and Guest

Wedding invitation for a family with children

wedding invitation, Hypley

The format that should be used is similar to that of a married couple; you simply need to add the children’s names.

  • Formal: Mr. and Mrs. Peter Johnson (Next line) Timmy Johnson
  • Informal: David and Jessica Johnson and family

Note: Please mention beforehand, whether the children are also invited or not. If it’s an adult party, make sure that all the guests are aware.

Wedding invitation for children turned adults

wedding invitation, Hypley

In such a case, the child should get a personal invitation to his or her name.

  • Formal: Mr. Timmy Johnson
  • Informal: Timmy Johnson

Wedding invitation for a same-sex couple

wedding invitation, Hypley

The format will remain the same as that of an unmarried couple. Use alphabetical order while writing names.

  • Formal: Mr. Jack Anderson and Mr. Peter Johnson, or Mr. Anderson and Mr. Johnson
  • Informal: Jack Anderson and Peter Johnson, or Jack and Peter

Wedding invitation for a man/woman or both, whether doctor or judge

wedding invitation, Hypley

Here you can address the invitation in the following ways:


  • Dr. Peter Johnson and Mrs. Jessica Johnson, or
  • Dr. Jessica Johnson and Mr. Peter Johnson, or
  • The Doctors Johnson


  • The Honorable and Mrs. Jessica Johnson, or
  • The Honorable and Mr. Peter Johnson, or
  • The Honorables Johnson

Wedding invitation for a widower or a widowed wife

wedding invitation, Hypley

You can still mention their title before their name if they haven’t married again.

  • Formal: Mr. Peter Johnson, or Mrs. Jessica Johnson
  • Informal: Peter, or Jessica


What you have read above are some of the common trends which people follow while addressing their wedding invitations.

We hope we were able to help you clear all doubts you might have had. So, start inviting your loved ones as they will be thrilled to hear the latest good news!

Sticking with this format will not only create a great impression on your guests but will also shows how knowledgeable and efficient you are when handling wedding activities.

All The Best! Start Inviting!

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